Event Details
Description DOGETTS RACE
Start Time July 19, 2023, 10:51 a.m.
End Time July 19, 2023, 5:51 p.m.
Organiser Ania Macgregor
Location Thames
Places Remaining 7

This event is in the past. It is not possible to sign up.

Invitation List
Partners Tue 25/04/2023 10:54:11


Event Description



We are pleased to advise that the Watermen’s Company, in conjunction with the TTRA, propose to hold a ceremonial event prior to the Doggett’s Coat & Badge race on Wednesday 19 July. This will mark the coronation and the crowning of the previous eleven monarchs since the first race.

The event will take place during the day, so please hold the date, inform your crews and advise me if your organisation is Interested in taking part. Even if you can’t raise a full crew, it may be possible to combine rowers to form a crew. Full details will be provided in due course, but towing will be arranged to the start (central London) and from the finish up river.

A letter from the Master Waterman, former Lord Mayor Sir David Wootton, will be sent to all livery companies inviting them to participate.